Who do you want as your attorney? The Master or the student? Patrick Silva has over 20 years of DUI experience, he has been published in DUI reference books, he has spoken in front of hundreds of attorneys at conferences, taught classes to lawyers on his secrets and strategies, and has a nationally listened to podcast dedicated to teaching other DUI lawyers how to win.  (909)798-1500

 Author of "The DUI Answer Book" A Citizen's Guide to Understanding Your Rights

Q: How do I get my license back after 2 misdemeanor DUIs and it's been over 10 years since the case ended?

I got 2 DUI's, the case for the last DUI ended at the end of 2011. I got 4 years probation and 30 days house arrest for the 2nd one. I moved out of state soon after that judgement and did my house arrest in the new state (it was allowed). I have lived off and on in California since then but am not living there now. How do I get my license back without having to move to California or do anything in California?

​A: You need to call Mandatory Actions 1.916.657.6525, there are provisions for non-residents that allow for a license to be "cleared." They can tell you what needs to be done.